Words Out (con’d Chapters 12-13)

Solitary Moments     They arrived at the hospital where the woman thanked them endlessly.  “You are too very good, Grazie. My name is Natalia Catalano.” Brian knew that name, why did he know it? It was on his list, of course, it was. Not Natalia but Eduardo.  “Eduardo?” He spluttered.  “Si, Eduardo Catalano, you know? You … Continue reading Words Out (con’d Chapters 12-13)

Words Out (con’d Chapters 10-11)

Pastures New        Brian lay on his bed, he glanced at the notepad. He had been so busy the past few weeks that he had barely given it a second thought. He had meant to scan through it, purely out of curiosity when he thought he had recognised a name on the T.V. Now, what was … Continue reading Words Out (con’d Chapters 10-11)